10. Kirk Ferentz is one good looking stud. Seriously, for an older man--he is definitely considered a DILF.

9. We finally got rid of Jake Christensen. All he did was frustrate me--now how could our offense take off with a QB like that? Now that is out of the way we can count on Ricky Stanzi to become our stable QB. This second half could be a good one now that we are getting into the groove of things and the team is comfortable with him as the main man.
8. Our SERIOUSLY. Do I need to name them all? Mitch King, Matt Kroul, A.J. Edds, Pat Angerer, Adrian Clayborn--they are THE bomb.
7. I'm singling him out: Mitch King. What a stud. And his hair is just fantastic.

6. The return of Shonn Greene--he already has 936 yards and he will just embarrass P.J. Hill tomorrow.
5. Think of all our good role models that have come from Iowa football: Nick Kaeding, Aaron Kampman, Tim Dwight, Jared DeVries, the list goes on.

4. We have great fans. We don't have a pro team so everyone is 100% completely dedicated to IOWA FOOTBALL.
3. Bret Bielema isn't our coach.
2. We took the W from Barry Alvarez's last home game. BOMB.

.numberone. Our Tailgating. We have one of the best tailgating in the country, in my opinion. Nothing compares to Melrose and we have dedicated fans that are awake and drinking at 5 a.m. In Madison, they roll out of bed around 9:30 and start drinking by 10. Then the students don't even go to the game until half time--how lame is that?? I will be awake at 5 tomorrow getting THE PARTY started.
I don't know why anyone would ever choose to be a Badger fan over the hawkeyes. Ever.
I just hope everyone gets behind stanzi now. I still remember people demanding that jake replace tate as the starting qb when the hawks started losing.
Also, another great thing about Mitch King; I saw him get tossed out of an MTV dance off last spring break in Panama City Florida. Why? 'cuz he showed MTV his, uh, little mitch. I was proud to be a hawkeye that day.
I completely agree about the Stanzi comment. We all need to remember that he is still a Sophomore. He is extremely fortunate to have Shonn Greene hanging out in his backfield to distract nay-sayers, but he will probably make a few more mistakes before the season is over. And that is ok!!! He has proven that he is the man for the job, let's just hope that Greene continues his dominating play so teams have to play 8 men in box, giving Rick some help down the field.
Haha Sean, hilarious. His girlfriend is my best friend and I remember her telling me about that last spring but I didn't remember until you wrote that. She was laughing so hard when I read your comment to her. If anything he would be proud someone from Iowa saw that...
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