Anyway, you all know Penn State is ranked 3rd, but for some reason I got enjoyment out of reading that paragraph. So weird, but I got a feeling like I'd been a long time Penn State fan. Does this make me a traitor?

Obviously in three weeks I'll be cheering for Iowa like crazy. That game would be incredibly amazing--unheard of for Iowa. But for some reason I'm just loving Penn State this season. Now this isn't a fair weather fan thing, but I've been keeping up with them all season and I have been wanting them to win pretty badly. Ohio State is finally not the top team in the Big Ten and that's getting people throughout the country actually noticing our conference. If (and when) Penn State wins on Saturday, the Big Ten will be turning heads.
I do have to admit, I have a crush on JoePa. I have a feeling this is a bit abnormal--but I'll defend myself by saying I'm NOT a traitor. It would actually make me feel a lot better to hear some of the same feelings from you all--because I know some of you have a similar feeling.
"And for all of you constantly criticizing the Big Ten for past BCS performances, understand this: if you wanted to play against Ohio State, you should have made it to the BCS game in the last two years. We are not Ohio State. We are...Penn State."
OK, come on, kind of chilling right? In my defense, since Iowa won't be making it to a BCS game we can cheer for a Big Ten team that does right? K, then that's my excuse.
I am cheering for Penn State in every game here on out except for one obvious one. The brand of football JoePa plays is old school and full of tradition...may be why I share some of the same feelings as you do for them.
A lot of those feelings also come from the fact that Penn State is just not Ohio State. I have become sick hearing about Ohio State being the only Big Ten team in the mix for the BCS only to get killed by the Pac 10 and SEC. Maybe some new blood at the top can mix things up and turn things around for the Big Ten.
Having Ohio State get killed every year does not help the Big Ten much so if Penn State can change that all I got to say is, We are...Penn State.
With out a doubt, every single Big Ten football fan should be cheering for Penn State. If they can make it to a BCS bowl game, and win, this will legitimatize the Big Ten once again. Ohio State is the punch line of the Big Ten, and the last thing we need is them getting their butts kicked in another BCS game.
Also, the money that teams are awarded for going to Bowl games (BCS bowls are worth more)is divided evenly among all of the conference schools. Honestly, it's bad for the conference if Iowa beats Penn State because then they won't have the chance to play for a national title, but that's not stopping me from rooting for the Hawks! We are...Iowa!
I'm a closet Penn State fan as well. Even though I don't own any PSU apparel and don't watch all the games, I still secretly hope they win.
I'm excited that Penn State is leading the Big Ten and not Ohio State. They're so overrated. They're always so talked up, and then fail miserably a the end. Hopefully Penn State can keep it up and represent the Big Ten Conference better than OSU.
I'm loving the Penn State spirit
I completely agree that I have been rooting for Penn State each week. I'd love to see Joe Pa win the BCS Championship and go out on top. I think that's the main reason I want them to win is because he's just a coach that you've got to love. I hope they completely dominate Ohio State this weekend. Hopefully Iowa can knock them off and they can still stay at the top. That's just me hoping I guess.
I think the biggest draw for most people is the desire to see JoePa win it all again. How can you not love someone that old jumping up and down and dancing at pep rallies? It's adorable.
Attention Sports Fans:
Hey guys, just wanted to extend everyone an invite to my house (923 e. Jefferson) this Saturday for an awesome day of tailgating, lawn games, and football watching. There’ll be games on multiple large-screen TVs starting at 11am and leading up to the big primetime match-up (No, not PSU/OSU, Notre Dame v. Washington!). I have a pretty big yard so all day we’ll have games going on (Bags, Australian Frisbee, Pong/Flip Cup, etc), and we’ll also grill plenty of meat. Feel free to bring friends/girlfriend/boyfriends/dogs (the yard is fenced in and my dog could use company). I’ll probably get a keg from John’s of something decent, let me know if anyone has any particular requests. Hope you guys can all make it!
P.S. Dave you don't have a blog I can post this on, but you're expected to make an appearance as well.
Hahaha Brian, I'm loving the invite on the blogs :)
If it's not Iowa representing the Big Ten in the BCS, I'm pulling for Penn State. Mainly I just want to see JoePa leave Bobby Bowden in the dust for all-time career wins.
Thanks for the invite, Brian. I won't make it because I'm enjoying New Orleans this weekend. Have a good time.
I want Penn State to win on Saturday night as does every other fan in the Big Ten who isn't an Ohio State fan.
However, don't be surprised to see the Buckeyes pull it out. They are tired of hearing all the bullshit about how they can't win a big game.
They are out to silence all their critics.
If Penn State wins then we have a great chance at a night game when Penn State comes a calling on November 8th.
Top 5 reasons to love JoePa:
5. The spread HD. Best offense name since the Wild Hog.
4. You can't understand him half the time.
3. The pants. Where's the flood?
2. He's got more PSU spirt than anyone. Just look at the pep rallies and Paternoville visits.
1. Anyone remember him running down that ref at halftime? Classic Paterno.
Long live JoePa!
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