I'm listening to McCain's speech as I type and you have to give him credit. He gave an incredibly appropriate and respectful speech--he even expressed his condolences about Obama's grandmother who passed away on Sunday. You really have to sympathize with him for everything he put into this election and to be honest, it makes me like him a little more.
Another thought: how hard would it be to write a concession speech before you even lose--wondering which you'll be giving--one to a victory or one to failure.
But something that disgusts me are people's status on Facebook. Everyone is commenting on how they want to move out of the country and how our country is f*****...all because Obama is a "socialist." He's not a socialist, he has never come out and said he is a socialist and he has never said he has the ideas of Karl Marx. The things he is proposing does the same things; his main goal is to bridge the gap--and what is wrong with that?
Anyway, it's over and done and
I think it's pretty funny that tax breaks for the middle class are "socialist" yet tax breaks for the rich are "U-S-A WOOOOO". There is nothing even close to socialist about what Obama wants to do. Thank god he won. I've got nothing against McCain, but Sarah Palin makes me want to choke puppies.
I completely agree...I'm sick of everyone talking about how much he sucks. I don't know what I woulda done if Sarah Palin was our VP. The only thing she's good for are jokes on SNL.
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